Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

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During the summer of 2020, gifted education specialists participated in a statewide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum writing project led by representatives from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Gifted Association of Missouri, and Lindenwood University. Over twenty teachers from across the state worked together to create social emotional learning experiences for gifted students over the course of three weeks. These lessons are part of an online repository that are accessible to teachers throughout the state and beyond. Our hope is that the repository will continue to grow as other teachers become involved in the project.

Additionally, during this professional development, teachers received training on various components of SEL including class meetings, Zone of Regulation, and bibliotherapy. The PD consisted of nine hours of whole group professional development (via Zoom meetings); along with several hours of “off-site” work completed both independently and in collaboration with assigned SEL strand teams. All and all, each participant contributed at least two fully vetted lessons in one of the following strands: Self Awareness, Mindsets, Social Capacity, Life Skills, and Emotional Well-being.

Dr. Tracy Bednarick, Gifted Coordinator of Lindbergh Schools and Gifted Association of Missouri Region 8 Co-director, was the leader of this effort. The leadership team included Christine Nobbe, Director of Gifted Education at DESE; Hannah Noack-Ruebling, gifted education specialist and GAM Region 8 Co-director; Richelle Moore, Kirkwood gifted education specialist; and Dr. Mary Gismegian, Assistant Professor at Lindenwood University.