As school districts move to reopen schools for the 2020-2021 school year, they are facing a wide variety of challenges.  With this triad of Zoom meetings, we are hoping to give GAM members the opportunity to discuss and collaborate in small groups challenges that are being faced and potential solutions to those problems.  Heads together always think better.  

Format:  The meeting will start with a large group and we will move to breakout rooms based on how your school district is reopening:  in person, hybrid, or distance.  If we have enough attendees, we may break further into groups of large districts and small districts.  We will finish as a large group with reporting from each of the groups.  

We know that this school year is causing apprehension and worry for many, but we are asking participants to come to this meeting with a growth/problem-solving mindset.  

To participate in this meeting, you will need either a the downloaded version of Zoom or participate on your handheld device app.  


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Registration ends at 5:00 PM the day of the chat.