GAM T-Shirt Design Contest Winning Design

Become a member of GAM to help lend your voice/strength to our advocacy for gifted students.  Every member is important!

Purchase your t-shirt to show your support for gifted education.

Gifted Advisory Council

Follow the latest news from the Missouri Gifted Advisory Council   Click here

Submit Articles to The Gambit!                                                             Want to share about something exciting happening with your gifted program or a gifted  classroom lesson plan that is your favorite?  Contact us to learn more about submitting an article for consideration for The Gambit.

June 2, 2024  Call for Conference Proposals Deadline 

July 15-16, 2024 - New Teacher Workshop and GAM Board
Meeting, SAGE Center, North Kansas City Schools, Kansas City, MO

October 7-8, 2024 - Annual Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 

February 10-14, 2025 - Gifted Education Awareness Week 

Available for Purchase 

Upcoming Events

 Why join GAM?  Check out the video below.  

Want to support gifted students in Missouri?

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